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Pastoral Care

Our ministry to pastors includes hosting our city's monthly Pastors Prayer Fellowship; organizing and hosting two mini (half day) Retreats for Pastors; and Preaching for Pastors when they just need to get away.  Our goal is to let every Pastor in Riverside know that there is an organization that cares about their health and longevity in ministry.



Local Non-Profit Ministries

Glocal has chosen to come along side two local non-profit ministries. One ministry is to women, Riverside Life Services helps ladies who are facing an unexpected pregnancy. The other is to men, Power Ministry helps change men's lives by taking them on short-term mission trips.


Glocal helps with many outreaches throughout the year like...

  • Easter Sunrise Service

  • National Day of Prayer

  • Thanksgiving Outreach





Sheriff Chaplain

As a Sheriff Chaplian, I am able to minister to the needs of the Deputies.  This is done through monthly ride-alongs and being "on call" for events where they feel a chaplain is warranted. 



GO Teams

Our GO Teams are ready in a "moments notice" to assist with special events.  That could be assisting with search and rescue of a lost child, setting up the command center for a county fire, building a stage for a local church, sending a team to Japan after their earthquake and tsunami. 


"Serving Those Who Serve"

“When Moses' hands grew tired… Aaron and Hur held his hands up, one on one side, one on the other, so that his hands remained steady till sunset.” (Ex. 17:12)


Our ministry is to be a ministry in the pattern of Aaron and Hur to Moses. We want to lift the hands of ministers who have grown tired in battle, by coming along side of them and giving them strength and courage, so that they can be steady and successful.


We will join with God where He is already at work among the churches and para-church ministries within the city of Riverside that need specific and skilled help with special projects.

"Going Where God Guides"

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send?  And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

He said, "Go…”. (Isaiah 6:8-9) 


Glocal Outreach is willing to GO wherever God sends, whenever God calls; to assist local, national, and global ministries by lending a hand in times of need. 


We have developed GO teams who are ready to go at a moments notice to assist and serve our fellow man during a national or global catastrophe.


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